Facilitator Level Certification
CHARACTERpreneur® Certification Facilitators are experts in our Lead Well philosophy, strategies and tactics for building, leading and nurturing leaders. All leaders must successfully complete the requirements for the Professional Level Proficiency in order to be considered for the Facilitator Level Certification. There are three core competencies and one guiding principle for Facilitator Certification.
Guiding Principles:
Listen more than you speak. Listen to learn.
Core Competencies:
Listen Well
Ask Questions Well
Provide Feedback and Follow-Up Well
Requirements for CHARACTERpreneur Facilitator Level Certification:
The skill of each leader enrolled the Facilitator Certification track, will be assessed by the Faculty Mentor throughout the course of Professional Level Proficiency program. Detailed feedback will be provided at the midpoint of the Professional Level Professional program.
Facilitator Level Certification will be based on a combination of class attendance, class participation, timely completion of Professional Proficiency Level Certification assignments, and also leadership ability demonstrated before, during and after each Teaching Fellow and Coaching Call Leader opportunity. At the conclusion of the CHARACTERpreneur® Certification Program, each leader enrolled in Facilitator Level Certification track will be:
(1) informed that they have met the requirements to earn facilitator certification or
(2) be provided with the areas that need work with suggestions for exactly how to improve.
Leaders receiving feedback with instructions for required skill development for will have 12 months to complete the requirements.
Listen Well Competency
Our Truth:
- A CHARACTERpreneur® focuses completely on what the person speaking is saying, without distraction.
- A CHARACTERpreneur sincerely works to understand what the personal speaking says from that person’s perspective.
- A CHARACTERpreneur listens to what a person is saying without interrupting, unless the interruption is done politely for the purposes of time constraints.
- A CHARACTERpreneur listens and then asks thoughtful follow-up questions about what was said.
- A CHARACTERpreneur™ is mindful about the power of body language and is intentional about the subtle (and not so subtle) message his/her body language conveys.
Ask Questions Well Competency
- A CHARACTERpreneur® consistently ask thoughtful questions that start with “how” and then listen deeply to the response .
- A CHARACTERpreneur consistently ask thoughtful questions that start with “why” and then listen deeply to the response, without judgement.
- A CHARACTERpreneur consistently follows questions with relevant follow-up questions, each time listening deeply to the response.
- A CHARACTERpreneur® deeply believes in and is committed to the cause of building a purposeful, productive, and profitable business culture (in this order), where ever she or her may find themselves.
- A CHARACTERpreneur® skillfully frames what could be considered provocative questions from a different point of view to encourage the person responding to think more broadly about the topic in discussion.
Give Feedback and Follow-Up Well Competency
- A CHARACTERpreneur® provides information (not criticism) in a manner that respects the humanity and innate intelligence of the other person.
- A CHARACTERpreneur provides a response that is specific so that it can be easily understood and applied to the topic being discussed.
- A CHARACTERpreneur provides multiple possible solutions or either questions designed to uncover solutions when identifying issues, difficulties and obstacles.