Build a high-impact, purpose-driven,
business culture starts with YOU!
CHARACTERpreneur® is non-denominational, faith-based leadership and business development program.
We teach leaders exactly how to build influential, character-driven, profitable enterprises that add value while building wealth.
The innovative CHARACTERpreneur® methodology for helping faith-based leaders build character-driven businesses was developed by TC Cooper, founder of the FaithFocusFlow® Institute for Character and Leadership (FaithFocusFlow®).
CHARACTERpreneur Certification teaches leaders exactly how to develop a character-based business culture that attracts and multiplies ideal clients, customers, team members, stakeholders, and business opportunities.
CHARACTERpreneur Certification incorporates non-denominational, faith-based core concepts, effective business and legal experience, productivity strategies, and positive character-traits into an innovative, proprietary methodology that develops character-driven stewards of profitable businesses.
The Certified CHARACTERpreneur® is equipped to build and lead enterprises that build sustainable wealth while creating value for the people they serve.
About Our CHARACTERpreneur Certification Cohorts
Each CHARACTERpreneur Cohort is centered around a specific country or industry.
CHARACTERpreneur Certification Cohort 1 is happening right now. This Cohort is specifically for leaders in Ghana, West Africa.
CHARACTERpreneur Certification Cohort 2 will launch in late June, 2019. This Cohort is specifically for lawyers who lead private practices or consultancies.
What are CHARACTERpreneur® Principles?
CHARACTERpreneur™ Principles are best practices proven to help integrate the CHARACTER core concepts into the DNA of your organization’s decision-making process, actions, and interactions in every circumstance and every situation.
CHARACTERpreneur Principles incorporate an effective methodology for integrating Courage, Honor, Accountability, Resourcefulness, Attentiveness, Currency-Wise, Timeliness, Excellence and Reverence into business processes, procedures, and systems.
To be a CHARACTERpreneur is not a distinction to be displayed on a shelf for observation and bragging rights. CHARACTERpreneurship is a way of life.
Leaders in Characterpreneur will learn effective and practical skills to help them instinctively make decisions that are:
1 COURAGEOUS when faced with challenges to integrity versus succumbing to the negative pressures of the marketplace;
2 HONORABLE when interacting with clients, customers, co-workers & colleagues, and even competitors;
3 ACCOUNTABLE to their internal moral code of conduct, external corporate code of ethical conduct, as well as international standards of civility;
4 RESOURCEFUL and able to create an evaluate new ways of generating revenue that build wealth and have a positive impact on their communities and industry;
5 AUTHENTIC to the personal integrity, moral compass, professional responsibility and internal generosity of the leader;
6 CURRENCY-WISE to help maintain the financial sustainability and health of the organization;
7 TIMELY in response to marketing conditions and stakeholder needs in order to maximize all opportunities while attracting new business;
8 EXCELLENT in leveraging the talents and gifts team members, community partners and other stakeholders; and
9 REVERENT in considering the impact and legacy that actions creating for today and generations to come.
Why should you get CHARACTERpreneur® Certified?
Gain A Competitive Advantage Through Integrity Based Business
Build A Corporate Culture of Profit through Purpose
Sharpen Your Business Discretion & Skills in Challenging Conditions.
Here's what you get when you enroll in CHARACTERpreneur® Business Development and Leadership:
1 Weekly Video-Based Lessons: Weekly lessons for 12 weeks are taught by TC Cooper – attorney, best selling author, and founder of CHARACTERpreneur Certification and business leaders.
2 Customized CHARACTERpreneur Strategic Plan: During the course of this certification program you will develop a strategic purposeful profit driven business plan that integrates Characterpreneur™ principles.
3 Mentorship by a Certified Characterpreneur Trainer: During the course of the program you are assigned to a Certified CHARACTERpreneur™ Mentor for mentorship. Your trainer will be an accomplished person in your industry.
4 In-Person Training Day: The program concludes with a 1/2 day training program with TC Cooper and Certified CHARACTERpreneur™ Trainers.
5 CHARACTERpreneur Certification and Pin: Every leader who completes this program is invited to a special graduation ceremony.
Is the CHARACTERpreneur® Initiative right for you?
CHARACTERpreneur Certification is by application. You may qualify if you can answer yes to at least four (4) of the following five (5) qualifying questions.
1 I am a business owner who wants my Work to have a lasting impact on the world around me and build a wealthy legacy for future generations.
2 I am a leader who wants my Work to have a lasting impact on the world around me and build a wealthy legacy for future generations.
3 I believe in a power greater than me, and that I have been created to do good works on the earth.
4 I do my best to live by a moral code of ethics.
5 I am a person of action. Once I know what to do about a particular situation, I do it.
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Listen in to words of wisdom from a few of our featured guest instructors.
CHARACTERpreneur® training modules are taught by TC Cooper, founder of UpwardAction® Media, FaithFocusFlow® Institute of Character and Leadership (a division of UpwardAction®) and the CHARACTERpreneur Certification program.
Each training module is accompanied by at least one in-depth interview with a leading expert who is doing business in his or her local community in a way that has a positive impact on the world. Check out the videos below for golden nuggets of wisdom shared by leaders interviewed in our CHARACTERpreneur® Business Leaders Interview Series.
Wisdom from interviews with a few of our featured leaders.
TC interviews a few more of our featured leaders.
Learn more about our CHARACTERpreneur™ Certification training modules for Leaders!
Build Wealth and Increase Profitability Through Purpose. Become a CHARACTERpreneur™.
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A Characterpreneur courageously establishes a personal vision, mission, and goals based on profit and purpose; then, inspires those in their circle of influence to do this same, leading to a culture of character and integrity. This module teaches leaders strategies for aligning personal vision, mission, vision, and goals with the vision, mission, and goals of character-based companies and organizations. These strategies are important, necessary, and practical for all professionals and business owners.
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A Characterpreneur is skilled in communicating an organization's core values and defining guiding principles in a way that makes it clear how both leaders and are expected to work with each other and all stakeholders (e.g., clients, customers, competitors, governmental officials, community members, and others). Leaders who complete this module will learn strategies for integrating grace, excellence, and discipline into organizations, starting with the process for making decisions.
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3. Module 3: 5 YEAR PLAN & S.M.A.R.T. GOALS
A Characterpreneur is knowledgable about what it takes to develop long-term goals and make them a reality. This type of leader is also trained to help others develop actionable long-term goals through thoughtful leadership, strategic consulting, and inspiring coaching tactics. The module teaches leaders the CHARACTERpreneur® strategic formula for developing and achieving long-term goals in manageable and inspiring segments. Leaders who complete this module will know how to build purposeful lives and productive business cultures.
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A Characterpreneur understands the impact of every spoken and unspoken promise on an organization's reputation and an individual's legacy. This type of leader is skilled in delivering and managing authentic, truthful and corporate responsible messaging. The module teaches a strategic formula for developing values-based, advertising campaigns, and marketing program with integrity. Leaders who complete this module will learn strategies to maximize social media and digital technology.
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A Characterpreneur is committed to building, developing and implementing core systems, processes and procedures to ensure that excellence is experienced in every action and interaction. This module will focus on effective strategies and tactics for interacting “character” into every aspect of your organization. Leaders who complete this module will learn practical formulas to sure the high-value output of systems, processes, and procedures that impact stakeholder results and experiences.
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A Characterpreneur embraces the importance of managing all aspects of an organization's financial health with excellence including – increasing revenue, reducing expenses, prompt payment of expenses, and integrity in collections. This module teaches a character-based approach to revenue generation. Leaders who complete this module will learn practical and effective strategies build business initiatives centered around integrity, impact, influence, and purpose.
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A Characterpreneur is aware of the challenges that leadership can add to their personal and spiritual growth. When self-care is compromised, a leader’s judgment is weakened, and the leader can be vulnerable to negative influences. Leaders who complete this module will learn the connection between the core value of self-care and ethical decision-making. They will also develop a practical strategy to care for their spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical well-being.
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A Characterpreneur is attentive and responsible in the accurate and timely compliance with local laws and regulatory requirements necessary to do business decently and in order. The module teaches a strategy for staying in compliance with laws, regulations, and protocols that are required to do business in a way that is decent, orderly, and effective. Leaders who complete this module will also learn a character-based, civil approach to working with governmental authority.
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A Characterpreneur is a leader who is internally driven and guided by integrity-based leadership and values-based business. Leaders who complete all 7 modules will be awarded the CHARACTERpreneur™ Certificate and Designation. The designation gives the CHARACTERpreneur™ access to all of the benefits of this highly regarded and internationally-based leadership and business development program.
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CHARACTERpreneur™ modules are taught by TC Cooper, founder of UpwardAction®, FaithFocusFlow®, and CHARACTERpreneur™. Each module training is accompanied by in-depth interviews with leaders who are doing business in their local communities and around the world. Listen in to golden nuggets of wisdom from our Featured CHARACTERpreneur™ Business Leaders.
[button type=”success” size=”lg” link=””]Join the Waitlist for Cohort 2 & Our Future Cohorts[/button]
Who benefits the most from CHARACTERpreneur Training?
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Lawyers & Finance Professionals
CHARACTERpreneur™ helps lawyers and financial professionals bridge the gap between being a valued technician to becoming an influential leader.
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Founders & Entrepreneurs
CHARACTERpreneur™ helps founders and entrepreneurs bridge the gap between being an idea starter to becoming a legacy-building finisher.
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Executives & Managers
CHARACTERpreneur™ helps leaders bridge the gap between fueling a corporate environment with fear to inspiring staff to use their Gifts and do their Work in excellence.
Each CHARACTERpreneur® Certification Cohort is led by leaders who have achieved success in areas relevant to each specific Cohort group. Future Cohorts all benefit from the collective knowledge and wisdom of leaders from past Cohorts.
The leadership team for CHARACTERpreneur™ Certification Cohort 1 – Ghanian Leaders is comprised of leaders with extensive experience and success leading character-driven organizations that do business in the United States of America and on the continent of Africa. Learn more about these leaders and the organizations they lead below.
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About FaithFocusFlow™ Institute for Character and Leadership
The FaithFocusFlow® Institute for Character and Leadership is a non-denominational character-based division of Upward Action LLC. This powerful education and training initiative provides character education, business development, and leadership training programs, coaching programs, books, studies and planners for leaders, ministries, small businesses, non-profit organization, and corporate teams.
FaithFocusFlow® consultants and workshop leaders are all trained and certified by our leadership and business development institute for character-based leaders.
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TC is the founder of the FaithFocusFlow® Institute of Character and Leadership and visionary of the CHARACTERpreneur® program and movement. She is also a corporate attorney, Amazon best-selling author, founder the UpwardAction® Social Media Marketing Certification Academy, and leader of the Christian apparel line – FaithFocusFlow® Threads.
TC Cooper is the founder of the CHARACTERpreneur® Certification Program.